Baptisms for Children younger than 7 years old:
Classes for preparation are scheduled on the second Saturday of the month at 2:00 PM. Parents and Godparents are required to attend a preparation class. Baptisms are currently being celebrated on the following Saturday at the 9AM. YOU MUST call the office to register or for more information.
Baptisms for Children/Adults older than 7 years old:
Check the RCIA/RICA page for more information about the program.
Visit the home page for the schedule.
1st Communion
Visit the Faith Formation page for more information.
Visit the Faith Formation page for more information.
Marriage and Con-validation:
For issues pertaining to Marriage preparation and celebration, arrangements must be made with Father Frederic M. Mizengo, CICM at least six months in advance. Contact the Parish Office for more information.
Anointing of the Sick:
Please call the church office at
(919) 365 -7114, ext. 200, so arrangements can be made to visit and anoint the sick.