Parish Registration
We are delighted that you are considering registering to be a parishioner of St. Eugene Catholic Church!
Stop by our Parish Office, we have information to share with you about the parish and a simple form for you to complete while you are there. You may also download the registration form - English / Registro Parroquial - Spanish and return it to the Parish Office or in an envelope in the Offertory.
Registration should take only a few minutes to complete. We are looking forward to counting you among the members of our parish family!
Please contact the Parish Office with additional questions at (919) 365 - 7114, Ext. 200
Why Register?
Often people attend Mass at a parish for months or sometimes years, but never officially register. Registering at Saint Eugene Catholic Church is the expression of your commitment to being part of our parish community. Being a registered parishioner also makes the process much simpler when it is time for receiving sacraments, registering for religious education, sponsoring a sacrament recipient and even planning funerals. A registered parishioner also receives all parish mailings.
Changes at Home?
Already a registered parishioner but recently moved? Changes in your household (births, deaths, marriage)? Let us know! Please contact the Parish Office regarding address updates and any additional changes.