Liturgical Ministries
Altar Servers
Altar servers assist in the celebration of the Mass by providing special assistance to the priest. This ministry enables the server to learn more about the sacrifice of the Mass and teaches them love and respect for God.
Requirements: Boys and girls who received their First Communion are invited to join the altar servers. Training will be provided.
English: Mary Flores
Please feel free to contact: (919) 880-2683
Spanish: Adriana Avila
Please feel free to contact: (919) 827-6945
Spanish: Elizabeth Tinoco
Please feel free to contact: (919) 266-7810
Commentators the congregation, and introduce the theme of the mass, celebratory priest, and readers. Lectors proclaim the Sacred Scripture Readings at Mass. They devote time and preparation to understanding the Word of God so that all may hear and be open to God transforming their lives.
Requirements: Fully initiated Catholic (having received Baptism, Communion and Confirmation) in good standing with the church.
English: Gail Hernandez
Please feel free to contact: 919 365-7114, Ext. 200
Spanish: Bessy Raudales
Please feel free to contact: 919 444-5189
Spanish: Yiseel Flores
Please feel free to contact: 919 269-0118
Extraordinary Ministers
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are commissioned to assist in the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass.
Requirements: Must be a parishioner of Saint Eugene who is a fully initiated member of the Church, having received the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation. A love for the Eucharist is also an obvious prerequisite. Special training and certification by the Diocese is provided and required for this ministry.
English: Mary Monck
Please feel free to contact: 919 630-5447
Spanish: Belkys Ramirez
Please feel free to contact: 201 709-2948
Spanish: Eudocio Durazno
Please feel free to contact: 919 232-7771
Music Ministry
The Music Ministry is made up of Parishioners who wish to pray and praise the Lord through song. Different choirs and musicians use their cultural backgrounds as the foundation for their music. Members sing at all of the Masses, seasonal concerts and occasionally community events. Although the choirs usually sing separately at Mass in either language, we come together to celebrate Holy Days with bilingual Masses where all are welcome to make a joyful noise.
English: Jennifer Hebert
Please feel free to contact: 919 365-7114, Ext. 204
Spanish: Luis Felipe Ruiz
Please feel free to contact: 919 426-9225
Ushers and Ministers of Hospitality are often the first persons that
people meet when they come to church. The Ushers & Ministers of Hospitality welcome people at the door, providing them with the necessary books and worship aids, helping them find their seats and directing processions.
Requirements: A commitment to whichever Mass you attend and availability throughout the year.
English: Ruth van der Grinten
Please feel free to contact: 919 365-7212
Spanish: Francisco Lara
Please feel free to contact: 919 413-3309
Spanish: Rodrigo Huerta
Please feel free to contact: 919 390-4735